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How to measure the success of your LinkedIn company Page: 10 Key KPIs

LinkedIn KPIs To Measure the Success of company page

Are you using LinkedIn for your marketing but feeling uncertain about which metrics or Key LinkedIn KPIs to measure your company page’s success? It’s totally normal to want to know how well your Linkedin marketing strategies are paying off, especially in terms of meeting your business goals and engaging with your audience.

To optimize your LinkedIn company page, tracking specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is crucial. These KPIs act as your guide, offering insights into content performance and audience engagement. Our blog explores these LinkedIn KPIs, how to monitor them, and strategies to enhance your Company Page’s success.

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Overview of LinkedIn for business

Before diving into the KPIs world, let’s chat about why LinkedIn is a real game-changer for businesses. LinkedIn is like a big professional network with 930 million users worldwide. It’s your golden ticket to connecting with potential clients, partners, and future team members. 

Plus, it’s the perfect stage to let your company’s personality shine, share cool industry insights, and engage with the folks you’re trying to reach. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started, LinkedIn offers a wealth of opportunities to elevate your brand and make meaningful connections in the business world.

What are LinkedIn KPIs?

LinkedIn KPIs come in two categories:

  1. LinkedIn company page or personal profile performance

These KPIs measure the organic engagement and growth rates of your LinkedIn company page or LinkedIn profile. Track KPIs like total followers and post engagement rates to analyze how the content on your LinkedIn page is performing.

  1. LinkedIn ads performance

Besides organic reach, you can also run ad campaigns as part of your LinkedIn marketing strategy to generate leads and boost sales and brand awareness of your company.

Tracking campaign efficiency metrics like conversion rates, cost per conversion, or engagement rate is helpful to ensure your campaign delivers results at optimum cost.

Why is it important to measure LinkedIn KPIs?

LinkedIn KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) matter because they provide a clear path to track and measure progress on the platform. 

By setting and monitoring these KPIs, individuals and businesses can align their LinkedIn strategies with their specific goals and objectives, ensuring that their efforts contribute effectively to personal or professional success.

10 key LinkedIn KPIs for tracking your company page's success

If you’re looking to assess the effectiveness of your company’s LinkedIn page, these 10 metrics are crucial to monitor:

  1. Follower Growth Rate
  2. LinkedIn Engagement Rate
  3. Impression and reach
  6. Clicks
  8. Conversion Rate
  9. Followers’ Demographics
  10. Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Follower Growth Rate

  • Follower Growth Rate tells you how quickly your LinkedIn page is gaining new followers.
  • A high rate means your page is doing well, leading to more interaction and collaboration opportunities.
  • Having lots of followers also makes your page look authoritative and boosts your company’s credibility and growth.

Boost engagement on your LinkedIn company page by regularly sharing insightful industry updates and thought-provoking content.

LinkedIn Engagement Rate

  • LinkedIn Engagement Rate is the percentage of people who interact with your content, like liking, commenting, or sharing.
  • You calculate it by dividing interactions by how many times your content was seen.
  • A high engagement rate means people are actively engaging with your content, which can help your brand or business get more visibility.

Impressions & Reach

LinkedIn impressions represent how frequently your content is viewed, whereas reach measures the number of unique LinkedIn members who have seen your content within a specific timeframe.

These crucial metrics offer insights into whether your posts are resonating with your target audience. To enhance your LinkedIn impression count or reach, consider these steps:

  1. Ensure your profile is complete and up-to-date.
  2. Actively engage with other users by liking, commenting on, and sharing their content.
  3. Publish interesting and relevant content of your own.


  • On LinkedIn, likes aren’t just for show.
  • They show if your audience appreciates your content and can make your posts visible to more people.
  • Liked posts might even pop up on non-followers’ feeds, catching their attention.


  • Shares are more valuable than likes and comments, especially if someone adds their thoughts when they share your post.
  • It means your content is so good that someone wants to share it with their social network.
  • Shares can help you gain more followers and get more people to visit your website.
10 Key LinkedIn KPIs for Tracking Your Company Page's Success


  • Clicks indicate how often a logged-in user has interacted with your post, company name, or company logo by clicking on them. This metric provides valuable insights into the level of interest your content or your company has generated.
  • Measuring clicks not only assesses the effectiveness of your social media copy among your current audience but also gauges its appeal to non-followers, whose homepages your posts may grace.


  • The quantity and nature of comments on your posts provide valuable insights into audience engagement. A lack of comments may signal the need for more captivating questions or improved content topics, while numerous comments indicate genuine audience interest, expanding your reach and fostering meaningful interactions.
  • Furthermore, the comments you receive can be a wellspring of inspiration for generating new and relevant content ideas.

Conversion Rate

  • Conversion Rate measures how well your LinkedIn page turns visitors into leads or actions like filling out forms or downloading stuff.
  • It’s super important, especially for B2B companies, to see if your LinkedIn page is helping your business.

Followers’ Demographics

  • Knowing who your audience is crucial for business owners.
  • Tracking your LinkedIn followers’ demographics tells you what your potential customers are into.
  • It helps you tailor your marketing to the right audience and fine-tune your strategies.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

  • Click through rate measures how often people click on your posts compared to how many times they see them.
  • It’s like checking if your LinkedIn posts send enough traffic to your website.
  • A high CTR means you’re doing something right, and it’s worth continuing your LinkedIn efforts.

           To boost CTR:

  • Write catchy headlines and descriptions for your posts.
  • Use some images and videos to make your content more engaging.
  • Stick to a regular posting schedule and share your content on other platforms to reach more people.

How do you track these LinkedIn KPIs?

To measure your LinkedIn KPIs effectively, you’ll need an analytics tool capable of tracking the KPIs mentioned earlier.

  1. Using LinkedIn Analytics: LinkedIn’s own tool helps you easily track KPIs. It shows follower growth, engagement, conversion, and impressions and click-through rates (CTR).
  2. Third-Party Tools: For more insights, you can also try third-party tools like Hootsuite, Sprout Social, or HubSpot. They offer extra features like analyzing competitors, content performance, and audience details.
  3. Google Analytics: To see how LinkedIn affects your website, use Google Analytics. It tells you about user behavior and website performance due to LinkedIn referrals.

Elevate Your LinkedIn Presence with our Company Page Report Template

How can you effectively measure your company page's performance on LinkedIn?

Measuring the success of your LinkedIn Company Page involves assessing key metrics and following a few essential steps:

1) Review Your LinkedIn Company Page Post Engagement:

  • Dive into how your audience interacts with and responds to your LinkedIn Company Page posts. See who’s liking, commenting, sharing, and clicking on your content.
  • When your posts get a lot of attention, your content hits the right notes with your audience. But if not, it might mean it’s time to spice up your content or adjust who you’re trying to reach.

2) Exploring LinkedIn’s Impact on Your Website Traffic:

  • To track the impact of your LinkedIn Company Page on your website, you can use web analytics tools like Google Analytics.
  • Monitor the volume of traffic originating from LinkedIn and user behavior on your website. Look for metrics like the number of LinkedIn-driven sessions, pages viewed, and conversion actions (e.g., form submissions, downloads) to assess the quality of this traffic.

3) Growing Your LinkedIn Company Page Followers:

  • Follower growth is a fundamental metric to monitor for your LinkedIn Company Page. It tracks how your follower base is expanding over time.
  • Steady or rapid follower growth indicates that your content and engagement strategies are effective in attracting and retaining LinkedIn users interested in your brand.

4) Discovering LinkedIn’s Role in Sales Inquiries:

  • To determine if your LinkedIn Company Page is sparking inquiries about your products or services, you must trace the path back to LinkedIn as the starting point.
  • You can use special tools on your website or customer tracking software to connect sales inquiries to LinkedIn.

5) Measuring Signups from LinkedIn Company Page Posts:

  • If you’re on a mission to get more people interested in your offerings and signing up for newsletters or webinars through LinkedIn, then it’s time to keep an eye on how many people are taking that step.
  • Keep track of how many LinkedIn users decide to get your content or offers, like newsletters or webinars. It’s a sign that your efforts to collect leads on LinkedIn are hitting the mark.

Strategies to improve LinkedIn page performance

Here are a few strategies for improving your LinkedIn business page performance:

  1. Post high-quality, relevant content.
  2. Engage with your audience actively.
  3. Optimize your page for conversions.
  4. Run LinkedIn ads targeted to your audience.
  5. Define your target audience clearly.
  6. Create a content calendar for consistency.
  7. Use visuals and hashtags.
  8. Encourage employee advocacy.
  9. Analyze and adjust based on data.
  10. Collaborate and network within your industry.

Enhance your LinkedIn company page performance with Powermetrics

Evaluating Key metrics such as website traffic, engagement rate, shares, and clicks provides insights into the effectiveness of your LinkedIn company Page.

Although tools like Google Analytics and other social media analytics platforms are useful for tracking conversions and vital metrics, handling and making sense of this data can be complicated and time-consuming.

This is where Powermetrics comes to your aid with its Linkedin page analytics report template. Our no-code reporting tool is tailor-made to streamline the tracking and reporting process for your LinkedIn company page’s performance. With Powermetrics, you can save time and make more informed decisions about your LinkedIn strategy. 

Related : Learn how to connect LinkedIn to looker studio using Google sheets with our step-by-step tutorial.

Key takeaways

  • LinkedIn KPIs are vital for measuring your Company Page’s success and aligning it with business goals.
  • Important LinkedIn KPIs include follower growth, engagement rate, likes, shares, follows, comments, conversion rate, follower demographics, and click-through rate (CTR).
  • Use LinkedIn Analytics, third-party tools, and Google Analytics to track these metrics effectively.
  • To boost your Company Page’s performance, focus on high-quality content, engagement, conversion optimization, targeted ads, audience definition, content calendar, visuals, data analysis, and industry networking.

People Ask Questions

A good engagement rate on LinkedIn can vary depending on your industry and audience. However, a general benchmark is an engagement rate of 2% or higher. If your posts consistently achieve higher engagement than this, you’re doing well.

To improve your LinkedIn page’s reach, create valuable and relevant content, engage with your audience through comments and messages, encourage your employees to share company posts, and use LinkedIn ads to boost visibility.

The optimal posting frequency on LinkedIn is typically 3-5 times a week. Consistency is more important than frequency, so choose a schedule you can maintain consistently.

You can measure lead quality by assessing the relevance of the leads to your target audience and their likelihood to convert. Look at factors like industry, job role, and engagement with your content.

Common mistakes to avoid on LinkedIn include not optimizing your company page, neglecting to engage with your audience, over-promotion, not using analytics to inform your strategy, and ignoring the importance of employee advocacy.

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